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Monthly Archives: mai 2020


Supporting Water Loss Management Practices using a Mobile DMA Testing Unit

Supporting Water Loss Management Practices using a Mobile DMA Testing Unit - Bradley Jenks This presentation will introduce a field-based water loss management program in Ontario (Canada) involving the development and deployment of a mobile testing unit to monitor flows, with and without pressure reduction, into district metered areas (DMAs). The project is [...]

By |mai 27th, 2020|English, Evenimente, Evenimente @en, Foto / Video|0 Comments

Pipe Assessment and Leak Detection based on Continuous Acoustic Monitoring

Pipe Assessment and Leak Detection based on Continuous Acoustic Monitoring Oded Fruchtman The presentation will show a new Pipe Condition Assessment concept which is based on big data analytics of past pipe repairs and leak detection. The presentation will include a live demo of the Pipe Condition Assessment project Aquarius performed at [...]

By |mai 27th, 2020|English, Evenimente, Evenimente @en, Foto / Video|0 Comments

INSPECTIE SI DIAGNOZA PE RETELELE DE CANALIZARE         INVITAŢIE WEBINARII „DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE” 2020   Stimată doamnă/ Stimate domn, Vineri, 29 mai 2020, ora 18:00 (ora RO), vă invităm să participaţi la un webinar în limba română cu tematica „ INSPECTIE SI DIAGNOZA PE RETELELE DE CANALIZARE” Prezentarea este sustinuta de echipa Aquatim. Participarea este [...]

By |mai 25th, 2020|Blog, Evenimente, Foto / Video|0 Comments

Tehnici avansate de detecţie şi localizare electroacustică a pierderilor intr-un singur instrument INVITAŢIE WEBINARII „DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE” 2020   Stimată doamnă/ Stimate domn, Vineri, 22 mai 2020, ora 18:00 (ora RO), vă invităm să participaţi la un webinar în limba română cu tematica „Hydrolux HL7000 - Tehnici avansate de detecţie şi localizare electroacustică a pierderilor intr-un singur instrument" Prezentarea este sustinuta de echipa Seba Dynatronic [...]

By |mai 20th, 2020|Evenimente, Foto / Video|0 Comments

The Use of Frontier Analysis to Assess the Technical Rigor of Water Loss PI’s

The Use of Frontier Analysis to Assess the Technical Rigor of Water Loss PI's - Alan Wyatt   The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has developed and disseminated advanced methods and performance indicators for assessing and reducing water losses in North America, based in large part on the methods and indicators developed [...]

The knowledge of leak noise and Active Leakage Control

The knowledge of leak noise and Active Leakage Control case studies in China - York Yuxi Wang Although water leak detection activities in China mainland started as early as in 1970s, the awareness of ‘Active Leakage Control’ hasn’t been fully understood till entering the millennium. In fact, we as the ‘IWA China [...]

By |mai 19th, 2020|English, Evenimente @en, Foto / Video|0 Comments

Localizarea pierderilor de apa pe conductele din polietilena

By |mai 15th, 2020|Foto / Video|0 Comments


INVITAŢIE WEBINARII „DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE” 2020 Stimată doamnă/ Stimate domn, Vineri, 15 mai 2020, ora 18:00 (ora RO), vă invităm să participaţi la un webinar în limba română cu tematica „Soluții tehnice referitoare la localizarea pierderilor de apă pe polietilenă”. Webinarul este susţinut de către firma VESTRA, reprezentată prin Costin Axinte în calitate de Manager Produs. Participarea este gratuită. Vă rugăm să distribuiţi [...]

By |mai 14th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Making our old pipes 2

Making our old pipes new again! A European Perspective - Joseph Finn   Failure of ageing and deteriorated water mains is a threat to the structural integrity of a water supply network, causing adverse effects such as service disruptions and property damage. However, just because something is old, it doesn’t mean it [...]

By |mai 13th, 2020|Evenimente @en, Foto / Video|0 Comments

Making our old pipes

Failure of ageing and deteriorated water mains is a threat to the structural integrity of a water supply network, causing adverse effects such as service disruptions, revenue loss, and property damage. However, just because something is old, doesn’t mean it needs replacing. Knowing your current asset health will reveal maintenance and capacity issues before they become problematic, enabling targeted planning both financially and operationally. This presentation is the second in a three-part series from Mueller showcasing how a staged approach to pipeline asset management using machine learning and non-invasive IOT technologies is being adopted by utilities around the world. Case studies will be shared highlighting the successful implementation of this approach in the North America region. Maintaining and upgrading North America’s water pipelines is a pressing infrastructure challenge. The AWWA estimates, that a 1 trillion-dollar investment in water pipelines is required over the next 25 years. Part 1 of this series was presented on May 8th covering the Asia Pacific region and Part 3 will showcase how this approach has been adapted in Europe and will be presented as part of this IWA series of Webinars on May 13th, 2020.