Webinar Invitation
Steve Cavanaugh and Drew Blackwell from CAVANAUGH SOLUTIONS
Steve Cavanaugh and Drew Blackwell from CAVANAUGH SOLUTIONS
Elon Musk is proposing solutions to the global water crisis: Opinions and Reactions Elon Musk, known for his futuristic vision and technological innovations in areas such as electric vehicles and space exploration, recently brought attention to the global water crisis by proposing solutions at the World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia. In his speech, Musk [...]
"Noi Descoperiri Tehnologice în ITC Podcast: Detectarea de Obiecte și Conducte " Dragi Prieteni din Comunitatea IT, Este cu adevărat incitant să observăm cum evoluează ITC Podcast-ul . De ceva timp, am reușit să desfășurăm cu succes și am lansat mai multe episoade care abordează problemele actuale. Dar, așa cum se întâmplă cu orice proiect [...]
Reducerea pierderilor de apă – «obligație» sau sursă de venituri În perioada 31 august - 01 septembrie 2023, Constanța va găzdui un eveniment deosebit de important pentru industria apei: Forumul Water Loss Balkans. Evenimentul se concentrează pe eforturile de a reduce pierderile de apă în regiunea Balcanilor, adunând într-un cadru profesional reprezentanți din industria apei, [...]
Roland Liemberger (1958 – 2023) Back to Basics With great sadness, we learned the news that Roland Liemberger passed away on Thursday, May 18, 2023. Roland is known as one of the founding fathers of the International Water Association's Water Loss Specialist Group (IWA-WLSG) and dedicated his life to raising awareness about water loss issues [...]
Roland Liemberger (1958 – 2023) Back to Basics Cu mare tristețe am aflat vestea ca Joi 18 mai 2023 Roland Liemberger a trecut in neființă. Roland este cunoscut ca unul dintre părinții fondatori ai Grupului de specialiști în pierderi de apă IWA -WLSG și și-a dedicat viața promovării conștientizării problemelor legate de pierderile [...]
A DMA, or District Metered Area, is a management tool used to improve the efficiency of water distribution systems by measuring the flow of water to smaller, defined areas within a larger network. These smaller areas are usually bounded by valves, making it possible to isolate them from the rest of the network. By doing [...]
SmartBall is a leak detection technology developed by Pure Technologies. This technology was first developed in 2005 and was used to identify problems in large pipes. Since then, it has been widely used around the world to detect water leaks in underground transport pipes. SmartBall is an innovative technology for detecting water losses that uses [...]
Uri Gutermann CEO at Gutermann Award-Winning Acoustic Water Leak Detection Technology - GUTERMANN (gutermann-water.com) What inspired you to create World Water Loss Day, and what do you hope to achieve through this initiative? - In the past only the people in our small NRW space really cared about the fact that billions of litres [...]