Linkuri către siteuri care abordează problema pierderii de apă, furnizori de tehnologie, evenimente, asociaţii profesioniste din domeniul apei.
Solutii digitale pentru apa: conectarea lumii fizice si a celei digitale pentru solutii in domeniul apei
Solutii digitale pentru apa: conectarea lumii fizice si a celei digitale pentru solutii in domeniul apei In cadrul prezentarii sunt tratate crearea DMA-urilor si actiunile pivind reducerea pierderilor de apa. INVITAŢIE WEBINARII „DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE” 2020 Stimată doamnă/ Stimate domn, Joi, 09.07. 2020, ora 18:00 (ora RO), vă invităm să participaţi la un webinar [...]
Proactive Meter Management to Optimize Revenues
Proactive Meter Management to Optimize Revenues - Ian Rodgers & Carl Sharkey Utilities often focus on leak detection when looking to increase the efficiency of DMA’s and forget to consider the impact apparent losses can / are having. This can lead to time, effort and money being spent for little or no improvement in the [...]
INSPECTIA CCTV A CONDUCTELOR DE CANALIZARE Provocari si noutati tehnologice INVITAŢIE WEBINARII „DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE” 2020 Stimată doamnă/ Stimate domn, Joi, 02.07. 2020, ora 18:00 (ora RO), vă invităm să participaţi la un webinar în limba română cu tematica „INSPECTIA CCTV A CONDUCTELOR DE CANALIZARE Provocari si noutati tehnologice” Prezentarea este sustinuta de [...]
Inregistrare webinarii tehnice utile AICI GASITI CANALUL DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE, asteptam un comentariu si un like de la dv. daca informatiile va sunt utile SOLUTII DE MONITORIZARE DEBITE DE LA CAPTARE PANA LA DISTRIBUTIE SI CANALIZARE Indiferent daca vorbim despre a monitoriza cantitatea de apa potabila sau [...]
Tehnici moderne pentru localizarea tridimensională a traseelor utilităților îngropate INVITAŢIE WEBINARII „DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE” 2020 Stimată doamnă/ Stimate domn, Joi, 18.06. 2020, ora 18:00 (ora RO), vă invităm să participaţi la un webinar în limba română cu tematica „Tehnici moderne pentru localizarea tridimensională a traseelor utilităților îngropate ” Prezentarea este sustinuta de echipa SebaKMT Romania. Participarea este gratuită. Vă rugăm [...]
PRELOCALIZAREA PIERDERILOR DE APA DIN SPATIU INVITAŢIE WEBINARII „DETECTIVII APEI PIERDUTE” 2020 Stimată doamnă/ Stimate domn, Vineri, 05.06. 2020, ora 18:00 (ora RO), vă invităm să participaţi la un webinar în limba română cu tematica „ PRELOCALIZAREA PIERDERILOR DE APA DIN SPATIU” Prezentarea este sustinuta de echipa UTILIS din Israel si Biotech din Romania. Participarea este gratuită. Vă [...]
The Use of Frontier Analysis to Assess the Technical Rigor of Water Loss PI’s
The Use of Frontier Analysis to Assess the Technical Rigor of Water Loss PI's - Alan Wyatt The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has developed and disseminated advanced methods and performance indicators for assessing and reducing water losses in North America, based in large part on the methods and indicators developed [...]
Making our old pipes
Failure of ageing and deteriorated water mains is a threat to the structural integrity of a water supply network, causing adverse effects such as service disruptions, revenue loss, and property damage. However, just because something is old, doesn’t mean it needs replacing. Knowing your current asset health will reveal maintenance and capacity issues before they become problematic, enabling targeted planning both financially and operationally. This presentation is the second in a three-part series from Mueller showcasing how a staged approach to pipeline asset management using machine learning and non-invasive IOT technologies is being adopted by utilities around the world. Case studies will be shared highlighting the successful implementation of this approach in the North America region. Maintaining and upgrading North America’s water pipelines is a pressing infrastructure challenge. The AWWA estimates, that a 1 trillion-dollar investment in water pipelines is required over the next 25 years. Part 1 of this series was presented on May 8th covering the Asia Pacific region and Part 3 will showcase how this approach has been adapted in Europe and will be presented as part of this IWA series of Webinars on May 13th, 2020.
Making our old pipes new again
Failure of ageing and deteriorated water mains is a threat to the structural integrity of a water supply network, causing adverse effects such as service disruptions, revenue loss, and property damage. However, just because something is old, doesn’t mean it needs replacing. Knowing your current asset health will reveal maintenance and capacity issues before they become problematic, enabling targeted planning both financially and operationally. This presentation is the first in a three-part series from Mueller showcasing how a staged approach to pipeline asset management using machine learning and non-invasive IOT technologies is being adopted by utilities around the world. Case studies will be shared highlighting the successful implementation of this approach in the Asia Pacific region, which has led to informed intervention decisions being made to reduce NRW and extend asset life. Parts 2 and 3 of this series will showcase how this approach has been adapted in North America and Europe and will be presented as part of this IWA series of Webinars on the 11th and 13th May 2020 respectively.
Water Loss webinars
The IWA Water Loss Specialist Group hopes that you are all keeping safe during these days of self isolation and social distancing. We understand that some of you may be getting a bit bored and restless, so we have decided to begin a new initiative, whereby we will be undertaking a series of free Water [...]