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Ai o pierdere de apa? noi te ajutam sa o localizezi, suna la 0726 397 519
Cologne takes to the skies for water by Karen Dubey, Utilis Corporate Marketing Director Water utilities across the world struggle with aging infrastructure whether it be roads, bridges, buildings or pipes. Utilis, a technology company based in Israel, has been using satellite data to help assess infrastructure since 2016. Specifically, Utilis has been [...]
Köln – studiu de caz – scanare pierderi de apa din satelit utilizand metoda UTILIS de Karen Dubey, Director de marketing corporativ Utilis Operatorii de apă din întreaga lume se confrunta zilnic probleme datorate infrastructurii îmbătrânite, fie că este vorba de drumuri, poduri, clădiri sau conducte. Utilis, o companie cu sediul în Israel, folosește date [...]
Exista numeroase programe care pot sa ajute managementul pierderilor de apa. Balanta apei reprezinta totalitatea informatiilor despre cantitatile de apa intrate in sistem si cantitatile de apa consumate si pierdute. In functie de aceste informatii se pot aborda diferite strategii de reducere a pierderilor. Cea mai importanta componenta o reprezinta partea in care ne este [...]
Legea Schimbului Asa cum am mentionat in articolul anterior “Introducere in leadership” (https://cristinateglas.ro/2019/10/15/introducere-in-leadership/) , urmeaza o serie de articole care au la baza o parte din legile lui John C. Maxwell. Astfel, prima lege despre care vreau sa scriu astazi este Legea Schimbului. Aceasta lege spune ca trebuie sa renunti la ceva ca sa te [...]
On the 4th of December the world will celebrate the inaugural World Water Loss Day. Initiated by Gutermann and the IWA Water Loss Specialist Group, both IWA and AWWA have endorsed it. So on the 4th of December 2019 organisations, utilities, vendors and water executives around the world will be discussing, show-casing and presenting their [...]
EARN YOUR COMMISSIONER TRAINING HOURS The majority of the sessions at the North American Water Loss Conference & Exposition have been approved for Commissioner Training for board members of municipalities, counties, treatment authorities and utility district commissioners that oversee water systems in Tennessee. The conference will feature presentations, panel discussions and learning modules from 100+ subject [...]