The Cara Rosa Association projects were successful beyond expectations. When we started 2 years ago, the idea of making 2 or 3 wells seemed like a remarkable achievement in itself. Beyond the necessary amount that seemed enormous for our possibilities (approximately 7500 Euros for each well), there was the excitement of giving water to several thousand people, many of whom were children. So far we have made 5 wells and the dream goes on.
Water doesn’t just quench thirst! Water means much more! It means avoiding diseases that African communities struggle with unsuccessfully. It means the sustainable development of the community, through the development of agriculture. A well in a community offers the chance that hard-worked land will produce enough food that no one in that community will ever go hungry. Last but not least, the provision of water at a maximum distance of 10-12 minutes from the house, means several thousand more hours for every Mozambican woman to spend with her children, to hold them in her arms, to take care of them. That’s because, on average, an African woman spends 4 hours a day carrying water. That adds up to 4 billion hours in a month, which is the entire workforce of France in an entire year.
Each well leaves a beneficial imprint on 2500-3000 people, for one, two … more generations.
This is the math of any donation made to make a well in areas of Africa. Every 2 euros donated, along with as many others as it takes to dig a well, means a chance at life for a person. Imagine saving someone’s life: a sick child, a mother, a father, anyone. What a feeling of a hero! And that, without fighting to get it out of a lion’s mouth, or without making risky gestures. 2 EUROS donated, then 2 more and so on.
It’s wonderful that we managed to gather around the project thousands of heroes like those mentioned above. Beyond these, some SUPERHEROES came with us. I was surprised when, following a presentation of our project, a family decided to donate the entire amount for the construction of a well. So far their names have remained anonymous. They asked for it. But, in Mozambique, 17,000 kilometers away, we made a gesture to mark their contribution: we placed a plaque inscribed with their names in front of the fountain sponsored by them. The gesture means nothing compared to the effects of the fountain itself. Surely the well will be flowing long after the plaque on which their names are inscribed has rusted. What remains behind is the remarkable impact on the community: 3,000 people who have unlimited water, the avoidance of thousands of disease situations by ensuring hygienic conditions, the increase in agricultural productivity, 100,000 hours of travel saved to carry water, (counting 700 mothers in the community who walked 4 hours a day to carry water) million extra hugs given by mothers who no longer have to carry water long distances. And this, not for a year or two, but for GENERATIONS!
Do you remember when you were little and imagined that you would save the world, or as a teenager you were convinced that you would achieve something remarkable that would inscribe your name in the memory of many? Maybe these thoughts are so far away that you have forgotten them. Now is the time to be such a hero: adopt a community in Mozambique that has no drinking water, provide the money for a well, and all the benefits I’ve listed and more will be yours!
Maybe you don’t have that money right now. Set this resolution: I WANT TO BE A VILLAGE HERO IN AFRICA. Put aside the amounts you have, give up some unnecessary expenses or that actually harm you, such as a glass of Coca-Cola or a blade of gum, sell the objects you no longer need and which anyway confuse you around the house or beer, tell your friends, on your birthday to direct gift money to this cause, and last but not least, talk enthusiastically about your dream of being a HERO. You will be surprised how many will join your dream.
We are almost halfway through this year. Maybe you already had some achievements, but certainly some failures too. Decide now to make this year a memorable one: BE THE HERO THAT SAVES THOUSANDS OF LIVES!
Do you want your name to be inscribed next to a fountain where hundreds of mothers come daily for water? Decide now to be a HERO!
Cara Rosa Association
+40 721451234
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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